The Head Office of STL Inc. is located in Ste-Thérèse – Our territory covers the entire province of Quebec.
We offer you local inspectors, mostly « Fire Prevention Technician » or those having a diploma in insurance or building:
Inspections at regular intervals in remote areas are:
Services Techniques Laurentides Inc. was established on October 1, 1992
by Pierre Y. Bourret, retired since Decembre 2007
and by the existing shareholders;
Marc Jobin, Chantal Roy, Michel Hétu et Denis Chevalier
Recommendations explained directly
to the insured party(ies)
Website creation and an SQL database, server to server
ChAD accreditation, 3 PDUs
on residential heating system
ChAD accreditation, 3 PDUs on the assessment of cost of reconstruction according to RCT software from MSB
Refreshed the company's "Look", improved web navigation intranet / extranet, applied of an evolved cutting-edge technology for the creation and management of reports
Real-time tracking allows customers to track the progress of a file from reception to shipping.