Frequently asked questions

Your question is not in our list? You are looking for more information? We invite you to contact our technical department
at 450-661-1424 for the greater Montreal area or 1-800-567-4021 for the rest of the province. For opening hours, please refer to the link « Contact ».


I would like to install a wood stove. Who should I call?


S.T.L. Inc. does not provide this type of information over the phone. We will answer your questions if this is an existing installation of which S.T.L. Inc. has inspected for your current insurer. For a new installation, we invite you to contact a wood heating professional (store, installer or chimney sweep) or the Fire Department of your municipality. If this is a new appliance, you must follow the rules of the manufacturer supplied with the appliance. We recommend you use the services of a professional. This could help avoid unpleasant surprises, which could prove costly at a later date.


What is the mandate of S.T.L. Inc.?


S.T.L. Inc. is a provider of inspection services for insurance companies and brokers. Following a request from an insurer or broker, STL Inc. agrees to contact an insured party and gather information, which will be transmitted to the insurer that covers the risk.


What is the purpose of an inspection and visit?


S.T.L. Inc. completes a technical report on the building (residential and/or commercial) with information which includes its construction, its technical elements, its occupation, its environment and makes, if necessary, required recommendations to avoid possible disaster such as fire, water damage, civil liability or just general prevention. S.T.L. Inc. can also perform an assessment on the cost of reconstruction using software recognized in this field. The goal is to obtain reasonable and desirable security for the occupants and their property and to allow insurer to underwrite the risk of a visited property.


S.T.L. Inc.’s recommendations are based on what?


S.T.L. Inc. uses different referential tools such as the “National Building Code of Canada”, the “National Fire Code of Canada”, the “Code Electrique du Québec”, the “National Plumbing Code of Canada”, the various codes on the heating with gas, oil or solid fuels, the new regulation on the “Residential swimming pool safety” as well as several standards and codes relating to commercial and manufacturing activities. These tools are reference guides but the final decision on the implementation of a recommendation belongs exclusively to the insurer and its Underwriting and Risk analysis Department.


Following a visit from a prevention agent, I received a letter with a list of recommendations and I corrected the irregularities. What should I do next?


You must sign the sheet of recommendations and return it in the envelope provided to you or if you wish, by fax at 450-951-2467.


I received a letter from S.T.L. Inc. and I do not understand some of the recommendations. What should I do?


If this is a technical item of which you require further information, you may contact the Technical Department of S.T.L. Inc. at 450-951-8464 for the greater Montreal region or 1-800-567-4021 for the rest of the province.


I cannot meet the deadlines of one of more of the recommendations listed in a letter. Who should I inform?


You must contact your broker or agent immediately and inform them of the situation. As mentioned in the letter, S.T.L. Inc. is not authorized to negotiate delays.


I do not agree with one or more recommendations. Who should I notify?


If this is an irregularity that you do not want to correct, you must notify your broker or agent without delay so that, if need be, this situation may be discussed with the Underwriting Department of your insurer who will inform you thereafter of their decision. S.T.L. Inc. is not authorised to remove a justified recommendation from a case folder without the agreement from the underwriter. If you believe there might be a misunderstanding on a particular situation, you may contact the Technical Department of S.T.L. Inc. at 450-951-8464 for the greater Montreal region or 1-800-567-4021 for the rest of the province.


Do the irregularities need to be corrected by professionals?


S.T.L. Inc. always recommends that the work be carried out by professionals for the majority of cases (heating, plumbing, electricity, structural or otherwise) so as to ensure that the correction be made according to the rules of the art, and also to allow you to obtain a guarantee for the work performed. Then, you must sign the sheet of recommendations and return it in the envelope provided to you with a copy of the invoice or certificate of repair in the case of important technical issues other than regular maintenance work.


Can S.T.L. Inc. refer me to a professional who will carry out the work following the recommendations?


To avoid any conflict of interest, S.T.L. Inc. is unfortunately, not in a position to suggest the name of a professional that would help you. We can only suggest that you consult the “Yellow Pages”, “Internet” or a personal referral.
